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Exploring Recipe Details Screen in Your Android App


In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of enhancing your Android recipe app by implementing a click function for each recipe item.

This functionality will open a recipe details screen where users can explore comprehensive information about the selected recipe. We will cover the entire process, from setting up the click function to customizing the layout, and even adding a toolbar with a back button for seamless navigation.

Opening Recipe Details:

  1. Setting up Click Functionality:

    To enable the click functionality, you need to follow these steps:

    • Open your RecipeAdapter class, where you are creating and binding the views for each recipe item in the RecyclerView.

    • Inside the onBindViewHolder method, locate the holder.itemView.setOnClickListener() block. This is where you set the click listener for each recipe item.

    • Within the onClick method, create an Intent to open the RecipeDetailsActivity. Pass the selected recipe's data, such as title, category, instructions, and ingredients, using the putExtra() method.

    Intent intent = new Intent(context, RecipeDetailsActivity.class); intent.putExtra("RECIPE_TITLE", recipe.getTitle()); intent.putExtra("RECIPE_CATEGORY", recipe.getCategories()); intent.putExtra("RECIPE_INSTRUCTIONS", recipe.getInstructions()); intent.putExtra("RECIPE_INGREDIENTS", recipe.getIngredients()); context.startActivity(intent);
  2. Populating Recipe Details:

    In the RecipeDetailsActivity, you can retrieve the passed recipe data from the Intent and populate the corresponding views in the layout. Here's how you can do it:

    • Inside the onCreate method of RecipeDetailsActivity, extract the recipe data using getIntent().getExtras().

    • Retrieve each piece of information using the keys provided in the putExtra() calls.

    • Find the appropriate TextView elements in your layout using findViewById().

    • Populate the TextViews with the respective data, e.g., titleTextView.setText(recipeTitle).

Recipe Details Screen Layout:

  1. Layout Design:

    • Open the activity_recipe_details.xml layout file.

    • Design the layout using TextViews and ImageViews to represent the various recipe details. For example, you can create TextViews for title, category, instructions, and ingredients.

    • Utilize the android:layout_margin attribute to add spacing between different elements.

    • Make use of android:background to add a background style to enhance the visual appeal.

  2. Customizing the Layout:

    • Customize the appearance of the layout by adjusting attributes like android:padding, android:textSize, and android:textColor within the TextView elements.

    • Use LinearLayout or RelativeLayout to organize the elements in a logical and visually pleasing manner.

Toolbar with Back Button:

  1. Adding a Toolbar:

    • Open the layout XML file for your RecipeDetailsActivity.

    • Add a Toolbar component at the top of the layout using the <androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar> tag.

    • Customize the appearance of the toolbar using attributes such as android:background and app:title.

  2. Back Button Functionality:

    • In the onCreate method of RecipeDetailsActivity, set the toolbar as the activity's action bar using setSupportActionBar(toolbar).

    • Override the onOptionsItemSelected method to handle the back button click event. Inside the override, use a switch statement to identify the back button's item ID and call finish() to close the activity.

    @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case finish(); // Close the activity return true; default: return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } }


By following these detailed steps, you can enrich your Android recipe app with a robust recipe details screen. Users can now click on recipe items to access comprehensive information about each recipe. The layout customization and addition of a toolbar with a back button further enhance the user experience, allowing for seamless navigation between the main activity and the recipe details screen. Remember to adapt the provided code snippets to your specific project structure and requirements for a successful implementation.

Complete xml code:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

android:src="@drawable/image_url_1" />


android:gravity="center" />


android:textColor="#888888" />

android:src="@drawable/star" />




Breaking down the code

let's break down the provided XML layout code step by step to understand each element and its purpose:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="horizontal" android:padding="8dp" android:clickable="true" android:background="?android:attr/selectableItemBackground">

This is the root layout element, a LinearLayout, which serves as the container for the entire recipe item layout. Let's go through its attributes:

  • android:layout_width="match_parent": The width of the layout is set to match the parent's width.
  • android:layout_height="wrap_content": The height of the layout adjusts to wrap its content.
  • android:orientation="horizontal": The orientation of the layout is set to horizontal, which means its child views will be arranged in a row.
  • android:padding="8dp": Adds 8dp padding to all sides of the layout.
  • android:clickable="true": Makes the layout clickable, allowing it to respond to touch events.
  • android:background="?android:attr/selectableItemBackground": Sets a system-defined background drawable for touch feedback when the layout is clicked, providing a visual indication.

Next, let's examine the child views within this LinearLayout:

  1. ImageView (Recipe Image):

<ImageView android:id="@+id/imageView" android:layout_width="80dp" android:layout_height="80dp" android:scaleType="centerCrop" android:src="@drawable/image_url_1" />
  • android:id="@+id/imageView": Assigns a unique ID to the ImageView element.
  • android:layout_width="80dp": Sets the width of the image view to 80dp.
  • android:layout_height="80dp": Sets the height of the image view to 80dp.
  • android:scaleType="centerCrop": Specifies how the image should be scaled within the view while maintaining its aspect ratio. In this case, centerCrop scales the image to fill the view while cropping any excess.
  • android:src="@drawable/image_url_1": Sets the image resource to be displayed in the ImageView. Replace @drawable/image_url_1 with the actual image resource.
  1. LinearLayout (Recipe Details Container):

<LinearLayout android:layout_width="0dp" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_weight="1" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_marginStart="16dp" android:layout_marginLeft="16dp" android:background="@drawable/recipe_item_background">
  • android:layout_width="0dp": The width is set to 0dp and will be determined by the layout_weight attribute.
  • android:layout_height="wrap_content": The height adjusts to wrap its content.
  • android:layout_weight="1": Distributes the remaining horizontal space within the parent layout proportionally to the weights of child views. This ensures that the second LinearLayout takes up the remaining space after the ImageView.
  • android:orientation="vertical": The child views of this layout will be arranged in a column.
  • android:layout_marginStart="16dp" and android:layout_marginLeft="16dp": Adds 16dp margin to the start (left) of the layout.
  • android:background="@drawable/recipe_item_background": Sets a background drawable for the layout. Replace @drawable/recipe_item_background with the actual drawable resource.
  1. TextView (Recipe Title):

<TextView android:id="@+id/titleTextView" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:textSize="18sp" android:textStyle="bold" android:gravity="center" />
  • android:id="@+id/titleTextView": Assigns a unique ID to the TextView element.
  • android:layout_width="match_parent": The width of the text view matches the parent's width.
  • android:layout_height="wrap_content": The height adjusts to wrap the content.
  • android:textSize="18sp": Sets the text size to 18sp (scalable pixels).
  • android:textStyle="bold": Sets the text style to bold.
  • android:gravity="center": Centers the text horizontally within the view.
  1. LinearLayout (Category and Favorite Icon Container):

<LinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="horizontal" android:layout_gravity="center_vertical" android:layout_marginTop="8dp" android:layout_marginEnd="8dp" android:gravity="center">
  • android:layout_width="match_parent": The width matches the parent's width.
  • android:layout_height="wrap_content": The height adjusts to wrap the content.
  • android:orientation="horizontal": The child views of this layout will be arranged in a row.
  • android:layout_gravity="center_vertical": Aligns the layout vertically to the center.
  • android:layout_marginTop="8dp": Adds 8dp margin to the top of the layout.
  • android:layout_marginEnd="8dp": Adds 8dp margin to the end (right) of the layout.
  • android:gravity="center": Centers the child views horizontally within the layout.
  1. TextView (Recipe Categories) and ImageView (Favorite Icon):
  • android:id="@+id/categoriesTextView": Assigns a unique ID to the TextView element representing recipe categories.
  • android:layout_width="wrap_content": The width adjusts to wrap the content.
  • android:layout_height="wrap_content": The height adjusts to wrap the content.
  • android:layout_marginTop="4dp": Adds 4dp margin to the top of the TextView.
  • android:layout_marginStart="8dp" and android:layout_marginLeft="8dp": Adds 8dp margin to the start (left) of the TextView.
  • android:layout_marginBottom="8dp": Adds 8dp margin to the bottom of the TextView.
  • android:textColor="#888888": Sets the text color to a light gray (#888888).
  • android:src="@drawable/star": Sets the image resource for the ImageView. Replace @drawable/star with the actual star icon resource.

This layout is designed to display a recipe item with an image, title, categories, and a favorite icon. The LinearLayout elements help organize and structure the content in a visually appealing manner. The provided attributes control dimensions, alignment, margins, and other visual aspects of the layout elements. Remember to replace placeholder values with actual resources from your app.

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